Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Ted Nugent Wants To Be Obama's Drug Czar

The Raw Story is reporting that it seems as though self-titled "rock legend" Ted Nugent is no fan of taking a Journey to the Center of the Mind.

The same Nugent who said, during an August 2007 concert, -- as he was holding what appeared to be two assault rifles -- "Obama, he's a piece of sh**, and I told him to suck on my machine gun," seems to have undergone a change of heart.

Instead of death threats, now Nugent wants a job. And not just any job. He's got the Cat Scratch Fever for no less than US Drug Czar.

"[Drug traffickers] are as evil an adversary as the voodoo terrorist Taliban our soldiers face in Afghanistan," writes Nugent in a Thursday editorial.

"Call me, President Obama," writes Nugent. "Hippies, dope heads, corrupt politicos and various other human debris hate me, which makes me the perfect man for the job."

Nugent's take is ... A bit modernized.

"Our inner cities will remain war zones until we commit to taking the trash out," he writes at the polemic's most cringe-inducing line.

"[A]s America's Drug Czar, I would put a big hurt on the drug kingpins and consumers like they have never seen," he concludes. "Every American who smokes dope, manufactures, buys or sells meth or uses any illegal drugs is aiding and abetting the enemies of America. Case closed. This spiritual inbreeding and cannibalism must be identified, admitted to and stopped immediately. America can, and must do this."

For Nugent to ask Obama for this position in particular is humorous on its face, especially considering what he once told High Times magazine about how he escaped the Vietnam draft.

"I got 30 days' notice of the physical," Nugent reportedly said. "I ceased cleansing my body. Two weeks before the test I stopped eating food with nutritional value. A week before, I stopped going to the bathroom. I did it in my pants. My pants got crusted up."

High Times also reported he told military health officials that he'd been smoking enough meth to get "this big juicy 4F."

When confronted by The Independent in 2006 on these quotes, Nugent denied their veracity and instead claimed he had simply fabricated his responses to High Times because the interviewers came in with "glazed eyes."

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