Playground For Life
Glyder Music
Review by Nightwatcher
Hailing from Ballyknockan, Wicklow, Ireland, Gylder made a huge impression on in the know rockers with their self titled debut in 2006. Containing all of what made classic rock "classic", the album was one of the most pleasant surprises of the year, and served notice that the band was a force to be reckoned with. So, anticipation was certainly high for the follow up, and I'm happy to say that this is one band who have not only avoided the dreaded "sophomore jinx", but who have actually amazingly enough bettered their debut with 'Playground For Life'.
Featuring the same type of hard rocking romanticism which characterized the best of Thin Lizzy, truly Glyder are the natural successors to that band's legacy. None other than Philomena Lynott (Mother of Phil) has praised the band thusly. Guitarists Bat Kinane and Pete Fisher combine to form one of the finest guitar duos to come along, if not since Lizzy's Scott Gorham and Brian Robertson, then certainly since Judas Priest's Glenn Tipton and K.K. Downing. No slouches are the rest of the band either, as even at a relatively young age bassist/vocalist Tony Cullen delivers quite admirably, handling bass and vocals ala Phil Lynott, while Davy Ryan rivals Brian Downey in his attack.
Although similar in style to classic Thin Lizzy, I do want to state that although the comparisons are apt, on this album the band has gone past the overt homage of the debut and are well on their way towards their own sound. Songs such as the bluesy opener "Gambler's Blues" and closer "The Merrygoround", with its slight Pink Floyd-isms show another side hitherto unexplored previously. You get hard hitting rockers such as "Sweets"and the title track along with more melancholic compositions like "Sleeping Gun", all coming together in a cohesive, complete package
Mixed as was the debut by legendary producer Chris Tsangarides (Judas Priest, Tygers Of Pan Tang, Y&T, Gary Moore) the production at times is almost cinematic, allowing the band to present fully formed their impressive musical vision.
The bottom line is, if you think all hope is lost in today's rock scene, and they just don't make 'em like they used to, this is a release that beyond a doubt will prove you wrong. Chock full of memorable hooks, razor sharp riffs and insightful, intelligent lyrics, Glyder are quickly becoming one of the top new faces redefining neo classic rock in this new millennium. This is certain to have a lock as being one of the top 10 releases of 2008. www.glydermusic.com
Those in the U.S. can download the album via iTunes or eMusic. Also it's available as an import or MP3 download at Amazon. In Europe one can purchase the album at the band's online shop at this location :http://www.glydermusic.com/buy.htm
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